Start every day with a smile and a bright outlook on life.
Don't let anything or anyone discourage you from achieving what you have chosen to accomplish, and don't let fear or anger get in the way. Take on new challenges with the attitude that you gladly can and will do it.
You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals. This can be a scary thing to do. However, if you look at the positive side of every situation and realize that you can overcome fear and anger with a positive attitude... it will be less difficult.
Look fear in the face and fear disappears.
It is not always easy to be happy all of the time, it takes practice.
Start with a smile when you are challenged by something that makes you uncomfortable. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to think of ways to overcome obstacles in an uplifting, positive light.
Get on your happy feet!
Smile a lot. Bring good fortune and success to you by enjoying happiness every moment of every day.
Let's say you don't get along very well with your boss or a co-worker, or you had an argument with your spouse the night before. Try this today... walk in with a cup of coffee, the newspaper, a soft drink, something you know this person likes. Approach them with a big smile on your face and say, "Good morning, how are you today?"
Put the item you brought in down on their desk or table and walk away.
If that person challenges your happy attitude, remember this...
it is important that you don't hold on to negative feelings;
if you take on life with a positive attitude you will be a much happier and successful person in your life;
and learn to let go.
Start off on a new foot and a new day. Do whatever you need to do to rectify the situation and move forward with a positive attitude.
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to immediately turn your focus on something positive when something negative begins, or when someone negative tries to beat you down.
In order to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams you will have to do things that you don't want to do, things you fear, make you nervous or challenge you. Take action and look forward with great pleasure on these opportunities that will get you closer to accomplishing your goals.
GO FOR YOUR DREAM... don't let your fear and anger stand in the way of your personal growth.
Get happy! Learn to laugh! Bring good things into your life.
Every day I am challenged to maintain a happy attitude. My husband, my children, my work, the dogs, the daily upkeep of my home, etc., all challenge me in different ways to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day.
I learn to ignore situations that are negative. I choose to live with a positive attitude... achieving my goal to maintain happiness at all times.
I refuse to be unhappy!
Negative things, people, whatever unpleasant situation may arise... I practice bringing great things into my life by maintaining a happy attitude and dealing with every day situations positively.
I let the most unimportant things roll off my shoulders.
Life is too short to waste such precious and wonderful moments of the day being miserable.
You can achieve anything you want when you have the right attitude every day of your life! Enjoy a happy, positive attitude and bring great success into your life.
A positive attitude... it changes everything.
Here's to your success, and...
To your dream...
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